Walking with you on your path toward improved health & wholeness
Offering physical therapy for chronic pain and health & wellness coaching services at BeWell mqt in Marquette, MI as well as virtually

Empowered healing IS possible.
Human beings are beautifully complex. Our minds, bodies, and spirits all provide interplay as to whether we are in a state of balance or dis-ease. When we are suffering, we are out of balance. It is our commitment at Elevate Health to play detective to discover what might be driving that imbalance. We will consider all aspects of your lifestyle, which include (but are not limited to) your stress, sleep quality, food choices, water intake, connection to others, movement & exercise, your life’s goal and purpose, as well as your emotions and how they might be tied to the physical symptoms you experience. There are numerous techniques, daily practices, and simple changes made to our environments and lifestyles that can make a mountain of difference in how we feel. Rachel is a gifted listener who will be fully present with you, meeting you where you are in any given moment. She does not play the role of “fixer”, because she understands that our bodies are fully capable of healing on their own with the right guidance and conditions. Being empowered is a true gift that she believes everyone should experience.
Physical Therapy
Is persistent pain holding you back from living life to the fullest?
If you are looking for compassionate, evidence-based, & individualized care, then physical therapy at Elevate Health is right for you. We specialize in treatment of chronic & persistent pain by getting to the root of the issue, which much of the time is due to learned nerve pathways in the brain and a nervous system that is on high alert. We primarily utilize mind-body medicine (tools to calm and soothe the nervous system), pain reprocessing therapy, neuroscience education & training, and lifestyle management. Physical therapy at Elevate Health differs from traditional PT. It is generally hands off and requires you to take an active role in your recovery; in the process, you will become empowered and armed with skills that will contribute positively to your well-being for years to come.

Health & Wellness Coaching
Have you been contemplating making changes to your lifestyle in order to improve your health and overall quality of life but aren't sure where to start? Or maybe you're looking for someone to provide accountability and positivity on your journey toward better health?
We offer individual, personalized sessions with a health coach who will meet you where you are, listen to your story, and gently educate and guide you toward better health and wholeness. We work with people of all ages & backgrounds; the only pre-requisite is the willingness to learn and the openness to make indicated change.
Elevate Health Physical Therapy & Holistic Wellness is committed to empowering individuals to achieve their health and wellness goals, relieve pain, and improve their overall quality of life. True health is a gift that we all deserve to receive.
Seeing clients by appointment only - hours vary based on client needs

Phone: (715) 575-1202